
Have you ever struggled with depression? I don’t mean just having a day now and again when you feel a bit down, but:

  • Going day after day feeling so low you don’t feel like getting out bed in the morning?
  • Where you struggle to find any motivation to get your work done?
  • When you don’t even feel like doing things you usually love doing?

My health insurance has an app where they ask you to voluntarily track different things – one of them being mood. When I started tracking my mood, I noticed a trend, it was almost always down.

After some reflection, I have come to the conclusion that I am depressed. Not just down a bit, but actually depressed. Now, I know it’s a bit risky sharing this – a little scary too. And, I’m not sharing it because I want sympathy – I’ve been hiding it because I don’t want sympathy.

I am sharing it because I suspect I’m not the only one dealing with it. I know it can make you feel so alone, because it makes me feel isolated much of the time.

I know it’s not just something in my mind, it’s a real thing, and it causes real difficulties in my life.

I am sharing this because I want you to know you’re not alone and it’s not hopeless – it can get better.

Today, I took the second step in dealing with my depression. For me, the first was to admit it’s real it was beyond me to fix it. Today, I went to see my doctor.

Many times depression is a result of something going on in our bodies. I experienced this last year when I was extremely anemic. I told my doctor what I was feeling and He is running some tests to see if there is anything out of whack in my system.

When I get the results, I’ll consider my next steps.

And of course I have prayed about it – which is more difficult when you’re depressed. It’s hard to concentrate for long enough to have a meaningful conversation with God.

So, I hang on to a couple of promises that have taken me through a number of difficult circumstance in my life. The first being Isaiah 41:10 & 13:

Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories … I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.

Isaiah 41:10, 13, CEV

And then, just a couple of chapters later:

“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior …”

Isaiah 43:1-3, NLT

If you’re depressed, you don’t have to stay that way. Ask God to guide you towards getting the right help. Hold on to some meaningful promises – just because you feel down doesn’t mean God loves you any less.

And then start the process. Reach out to your doctor. He or she can help you find what you need to get better.

I’ll keep you updated on how it’s going with me.