From Bible Gateway’s Weekly Brief
The Unlikely Friendship from the Oklahoma City Bombing: How is it possible that two men destined to be enemies were able to forge an unexpected bond in the wake of abhorrent terrorism and tragedy? What transpired in the heart-stirring story of how the father of a young woman killed in the Oklahoma City bombing and the father of her killer (Timothy McVeigh) became friends and found forgiveness? Bible Gateway interviewed Jeanne Bishop, author of Grace from the Rubble: Two Fathers’ Road to Reconciliation after the Oklahoma City Bombing. (Click here to read more.)
How to Respect Different Viewpoints While Keeping Your Own: How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu bring together a range of artists, thinkers, and leaders—such as Lecrae, Tish Harrison Warren, Kristen Deede Johnson, Claude Richard Alexander, Shirley Hoogstra, Sara Groves, Rudy Carrasco, Trillia Newbell, Tom Lin, and Warren Kinghorn to provide a guide to biblical living in a pluralistic, fractured world. Bible Gateway interviewed Timothy Keller and John Inazu about their book, Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference. (Click here to read more.)
What Does the Book of Proverbs Say About Fools? The book of Proverbs was specifically written millennia ago to clearly contrast the dismantling ways of foolishness with the restorative properties of wisdom. Here, then, are several proverbs warning us not to be fool. (Click here to read more.)
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