This Sabbath will be a Special Day!

This coming Sabbath (May 15) will be a special day for us at Golden Hills.

Josemiguel Marin, will officially be joining us as our new Associate Pastor! Elder Ron Carlson, President of the Kansas Nebraska Conference will be here to have a special prayer of dedication for him and Pastor Josemiguel will present our message for church.

Following church we will have our first potluck in over a year to welcome him to our church. You’re invited to join us for this special time. If you can, we ask you to bring an entrée along with a side or a desert.

As a welcome, we are also doing a pounding. He is setting up a home for the first time and will need all types of things to get started, including basic food and household items. Please bring something to church Sabbath morning to share with Pastor Josemiguel. It will be presented to him at potluck time. If you’re not sure what to get, you can simply share some cash to help him purchase what he needs All together, we can be a help to him as he gets started.