What’s Happening – June 5, 2021
Check out our Calendar by clicking here.
Memorial Day, Monday (May 31)
Prayer Meeting meets Tuesday (May 25) at 6:00 pm. We are studying the book of James. We are still meeting on-line. For instructions on how to participate, click here. Contact Pastor T for more information (402-517-5333).
Pathfinders and Adventurers meet Thursday (June 3) at 6:30 pm. For information about Pathfinders contact Holly Degerness (402-917-4718) or Marina Nolasco (402-215-6048); for information about Adventurers, contact Lori Knutson (llknutson@yahoo.com).
Youth Rally: This weekend there will be a Youth Rally in Lincoln that our youth can participate in. There will be events on Thursday evening, Friday evening, and on Sabbath. Contact Pastor Josemiguel for more information (email or 480-544-0665).
Sunset this Friday – 8:52 pm
You may now join us in person for breakfast, Sabbath School, Worship Services, potlucks, Pathfinders, and Adventurers. Masks are still requested and social distancing is recommended. For a more complete statement click here.
Sabbath School Resources
- To study the current Sabbath School Lesson on-line, click here.
- Hope Sabbath School, click here.
This Sabbath (June 5)
- Breakfast at Church, in the Fellowship Hall, 9:20 – 9:50 am.
- Sabbath School Classes begin at 10:00 am in all divisions.
- Our Adult Alternate Sabbath School Class is meeting online as well as in person to study the book of John each Sabbath. For instructions on how to participate online, click here.
- Our Worship Service begins at 11:10 am with Mission Spotlight followed by the Children’s Corner. This Sabbath, Pathfinders and Adventurers will present our service. To download the assignment for this week, click here.
- You can view the service on our Website, our Facebook Page, or our YouTube Channel.
- To watch last week’s Memorial Day Service on YouTube, click here. You can watch any of our previously recorded worship services by clicking here.
- Elder’s Fellowship & Meal, 4:00 – 7:00 pm, Pastor T’s home.
Prayer Meeting meets one week from Tuesday (June 8) at 6:00 pm. We are studying the book of James. We are still meeting on-line. For instructions on how to participate, click here. Contact Pastor T for more information (402-517-5333).
Church Board meets one week from Tuesday (June 8) at 7:15 pm. For instructions on how to participate, click here. If you have any items that need to be considered, please email Anita St. Onge (e-mail or 402-981-0089).
Women’s Ministries Prayer & Fellowship meets one week from Wednesday (June 9) at 7:00 pm online. For instructions on how to participate, click here. Contact Andria for more information (402-949-0006).
Sunset next Friday – 8:56 pm
Other Helpful Information
- Pastors Contact Information: Pastor T., (402) 517-5333, martinsent@gmail.com; Pastor Marin, (480) 544-0665, jm.marin.sda@gmail.com
- Wall of Love: Our current projects are the Bellevue Food Pantry and Bellevue Medical Center. Click here for more information.
- Online (Zoom) Meetings: Our business meetings and small group meetings are still happening online via Zoom. Click here for more information and instructions for joining.
- Remind is Our Emergency & Immediate Alert System – click here for more information and instructions for signing up.
- Worship Service DVDs: There is a video recording made of each week’s worship service. It is available on DVD. If you would like to receive a copy please contact Lori Knutson (llknutson@yahoo.com).